Sabtu, Oktober 12, 2013 Dani Kusuma 0 Comments

Dota Tools: Dota HIT

Dota Tools: Dota HIT

 DotaHIT - DotA expert tool (itembuilds, replays..)

Basic functionality:

Load any DotA map, then pick your hero, level skills and buy items. The program will calculate your hero stats as you buy new stuff and get new abilities. Basically its a hero stats simulator, imitaiting war3 engine, and you can easily test new item-builds with it.

Then you can:
Check hero's HP/MP, EHP, Spell resistance, Attack speed, Movement speed, DPS, etc.
Check attack-effects interaction (orb-effects and stuff like critical strike/bash)
Reorder acquisition of items/skills to see how they work/stack in the new order.
Check your total inventory items cost
Enter game mode like "-ar" right after you load a map (may not work for some modes) and get a random hero.
Perform specific action like "kill a creep/roshan" or "suicide".
Save/Load your current hero-build (includes inventory)
Save current map loading screen on disk
Few other things

Extra features:
CustomKeys generation. You can now generate your CustomKeys.txt using the DotaHIT's user interface
Image Extraction. With this you can extract images (hero/skill/item) from the DotA map.
Data dump. This is useful when you want to view DotA map's database (heroes, items and abilities).
Replay Parser. Opens replay files (*.w3g) and displays some information about the game: host, players, heroes, line-ups, chat-log, kill-log, skill/item order, wards and, if possible, kills/deaths/creeps/denies list.
Replay Parser/Replay Finder. A tool built in replay parser that allows searching for replays that contain specific players, heroes or both.
Replay Parser/Replay Statistics. A tool built in replay parser that displays overall replays summary, showing each hero/player statistics (see screenshot below).


1. You need to have Warcraft III installed on your pc. This is because my program uses it's datafiles. War3 installation path is determined through registry, so you don't have to specify it manually. If War3 is not installed, then my program wouldn't be able to load maps correctly.

2. Since my program is written in C#, you need to have .NET Framework 2.0installed on your computer.

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